CAMERA Projects
Project Name
13 Healthy Human Gut Metagenomes
A biomolecular approach to the cycling of carbon and iron in the ocean
A core gut microbiome in obese and lean twins
AAP gene operon study of SAR11 clades
Acid Mine Drainage Metagenome
Allochthonous viruses in upstate NY freshwater resources
Alternative splicing in the choanoflagellate M. bre
Alvinella pompejana Epibiont Metagenome
Analysis of a viral metagenomic library from 200 m depth in Monterey Bay, California constructed by direct shotgun cloning
Antarctica Aquatic Microbial Metagenome
BATS 16S rRNA pyrosequencing time- and depth-series
Bacterial Diversity in Soils under Artemisia sieberi and Noaea mucronata plants in the Negev Desert
Bermuda Oceanic Microbial Observatory Course
Biosphere 2 Ocean Comparison of Sequencing Technologies
Bloomer DOM addition experiment
Bloomer DSW addition experiment
Botany Bay Metagenomes
CMOP microbial metagenomics
Canine fecal metagenome
Chesapeake Bay Virioplankton Metagenome
Chicken Cecum Microbiome
Community succession in DOC utilization experiment reflects functional adaptation in marine bacterioplankton
Comparative day/night metatranscriptomic analysis of microbial communities
Comparative evaluation of methods to concentrate and purify wild ocean virus communities through replicated metagenomics
Dauphin Island Cubitainer Experiment (DICE)
Deep Chlorophyll Maximum Metagenome
Diel gene expression profiles of a phosphorus limited mountain lake using metatranscriptomics
Diverse syntrophic partnerships by direct cell capture and metagenomics
Diversity and population structure of sewage-derived microorganisms in wastewater treatment plant influent
Epibiont Metagenome
Eukaryal V9 Tag Sequencing Methodology
Fluorescent epibiotic biofilm on Bahamaian ostracods
Fossil Metagenome
Freshwater Lagoon Albufera
Global Ocean Sampling Expedition
Global Ocean Sampling_Baltic Sea
Global Ocean Sampling_Banyoles
Guaymas Basin deep-sea Metagenome
Host-microbe interactions in an Atriplex microbiome
Human Distal Gut Biome project
Human Microbiome Project
Hydrothermal Vent Metagenome
Ice Metagenome of the Northern Schneeferner
Influence of nitrogen-fixation on microbial community gene expression in the oligotrophic Southwest Pacific Ocean
Intra-Species Genetic Diversity of the Centric Diatom Thalassiosira Pseudonana: Genome-Wide Comparisons via Massively Parallel Short-Read DNA Sequencing
Lagrangian sampling of Monterey Bay Surface waters
Linker amplification for quantitative metagenomics of wild viruses and other ultra-low concentration DNA samples
Mahoney Lake Metagenome
Marine Bacterioplankton Metagenomes
Marine Metagenome from Coastal Waters project at Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Marine Metagenome from Line Islands
Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project
Marine Synechococcus metagenome experiment
Mediterranean Bathypelagic Habitat Metagenome
Mediterranean Gutless Worm Metagenome
Metagenome from Yellowstone Bison Hot Spring
Metagenome isolated from Guerrero Negro hypersaline microbial mat in Mexico
Metagenome of Marine NaCl-Saturated Brine
Metagenomic Analysis of the North Atlantic Spring Bloom
Metagenomic Diagnosis of Bacterial Infections
Metagenomic analysis of stressed coral holobionts
Metagenomic analysis of viruses in reclaimed water
Metagenomic sequencing of terephthalate-degrading consortia from mother reactor (TA_mother_DNA)
Metagenomic signatures of the Peru Margin
Metatranscriptomes from the California Current System
Metatranscriptomics of contaminated soil
Microbial Community Genomics at the HOT/ALOHA
Microbial Diversity and Activity in the Seasonal Hypoxic Coastal Waters off Central Chile and Oregon: A Comparative Study
Microbial Initiative in Low Oxygen areas off Concepcion and Oregon
Microbial Oceanography Course
Microbial community gene expression across a productivity gradient of the Amazon River plume
Microbial controls on DMSP degradation and DMS formation in the Sargasso Sea
Microbial metagenome from Rios Mesquites microbiolite
Micromonas sp. CCMP2099, Pyramomonas parkeae CCMP725 and Prasinoderma coloniale CCMP1413 transcriptomes
Monterey Bay Microbial Study
Monterey Bay transect CN207 sampling sites
Moore Marine Microbial Sequencing
Moore Marine Phage/Virus Genomes
Moore Marine Phage/Virus Metagenomes
Mouse Gut Community
Mouse Skin Metagenome
North Pacific metagenomes from Monterey Bay to Open Ocean (CalCOFI Line 67) October 2007
Ocean Viruses
Pacific Beach Sand Metagenome
Pacific Ocean Virus (POV) Protein Clusters
Phosphorus Removing (EBPR) Sludge Community
Polyamine Metatranscriptomic Study
Population structure of wild ocean cyanobacterial viruses revealed by viral-tagged metagenomics
Santa Pola Saltern 19 Percent
Santa Pola Saltern 37 percent
Sapelo Island Bacterioplankton Metagenome
Sapelo Island Microbial Observatory (SIMO) metatranscriptomes II
Sapelo Island Microbial Observatory (SIMO) metatranscriptomes pt I
Sapelo Island Summer 2008 Bacterioplankton Metatranscriptome
Sargasso Sea Bacterioplankton Community
Singapore Air Metagenome
Solemya velum symbiont gill transcriptome
Southern California Bight microbial metagenomics
Southern Ocean Viromes
Study of a non-axenic Micromonas strain (CCMP1764)
Surface Water Marine Microbial Community Gene Expression
Swine fecal viromes with and without in-feed antibiotics
Symbiotic prokaryotic communities in sponges
Synechococcus Study
Tampa Bay Induced Viral Metagenome
Termite Gut Metagenome
The use and regulation of ferritin for iron sequestration in marine pennate diatoms
Transcriptional Response of Bathypelagic Marine Bacteria to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Trichodesmium Viral Community Metagenome
Two HOT Fosmid end depth profiles (HOT179 and HOT186)
Uncultured Human Fecal Virus Metagenome
Viral Metagenome from the Freshwater Lake Limnopolar
Viral Metagenomes from Terrestrial Hot Springs
Viral Stromatolite Metagenome
Viral and Microbial Metagenomes from Salterns of Differing Salinities
Waseca County Farm Soil Metagenome
Washington Lake Metagenomes
Wastewater Metagenome Mallard Creek
Western Channel Observatory Microbial Metagenomic Study
Whale Fall Metagenome
White pox in Acropora palmata
Yellowstone Lake: Genetic and Gene Diversity in a Freshwater Lake
Yellowstone National Park Octopus/Mushroom Hot Springs Metagenome