Guaymas Basin deep-sea Metagenome

This project contains metagenomic and metatranscriptomic sequencing (454-Titanium) of deep-sea hydrothermal plumes and background seawater of Guaymas Basin and Carmen Basin in the Gulf of California. Guaymas Basin plumes represent biogeochemical hot spots where microorganisms are stimulated by hydrothermal inputs (methane, ammonium, sulfur, manganese) and mediate biogeochemical reactions.

Samples GD1 and GD2 are metagenomes of two different Guaymas Basin plumes. GD9 and GD10 are background deep-sea waters from Guaymas Basin (just above plume) and Carmen Basin, respectively. GD5 and GD6 are metatranscriptomes of Guaymas plumes, whereas GD7 (Guaymas Basin, just above plume) and GD8(Carmen Basin) are metatranscriptomes of background deep-sea waters.

This project is part of ongoing research in the laboratory of Greg Dick in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Michigan. Sequencing was done at Penn State University in the laboratory of Stephan Schuster with support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

Additional chemical spectroscopic image:


Dick, G.J., and B.M. Tebo (2010). Microbial diversity and biogeochemistry of the Guaymas Basin hydrothermal plume. Environmental Microbiology 12,1334-1347.

Dick, G.J., B.G. Clement, S.M. Webb, F.J. Fodrie, J.R. Bargar, and B.M. Tebo(2009). Enzymatic microbial Mn oxidation in the Guaymas Basin deep-sea hydrothermal plume. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 73: 6517-6530.