Home :: List of Publicly Available Datasets :: Oxyrrhis marina CCMP1788
Oxyrrhis marina CCMP1788
Principle Investigator(s) | Claudio Slamovits |
External sample ID | Om1788b |
NCGR Sample ID | MMETSP0044 |
Sample accession number | CAM_SMPL_002371 |
Assembly accession number | CAM_ASM_000189 |
Combined Assembly Name | N/A |
Genus | Oxyrrhis |
Species | marina |
Strain | CCMP1788 |
Clonal | Unknown |
Axenic | No |
Prelim. NCBI Taxon ID | 2969 |
18S rRNA | |
Importance of organism and transcriptomes | O. marina is a basal dinoflagellate, occurs worldwide, usually in rocky shores and tide pools, rare in open waters |
Additional citations and references | J. Plankton Res. (2011) 33 (4): 549-554. |
Environmental Data | |
Primary citation for organism's characterization, if available | J. Plankton Res. (2011) 33 (4): 555-567 |
Habitat description | rocky shores, tide pools |
Habitat | marine habitat |
Experimental Data | |
Date of experiment | 01-DEC-10 |
Growth medium | f/2 amended seawater |
Modifications to growth medium | added Valine, Cholesterol and Ubiquinone |
Temperature (ºC) | 25 |
Salinty (psu) | 18.5 |
pH | 8 |
Day portion of day:night cycle in hours | 16 |
Night portion of day:night cycle in hours | 8 |
Nitrate (μmol/L) | 880 |
Ammonium (μmol/L) | 100 |
Phosphate (μmol/L) | 36 |
Trace elements (total) (nmol/L) | 276 |
Investigation type | Eukaryotes |
Other experimental metadata available | ESTs |