Home :: List of Publicly Available Datasets :: Kryptoperidinium foliaceum CCMP 1326

Kryptoperidinium foliaceum CCMP 1326


Principle Investigator(s) Patrick Keeling
External sample IDKryptoperidinium foliaceum light (Kf Light)
NCGR Sample IDMMETSP0120_2
Sample accession numberCAM_SMPL_002402
Assembly accession numberCAM_ASM_000220
Combined Assembly NameKryptoperidinium-foliaceum-CCMP1326
StrainCCMP 1326
Prelim. NCBI Taxon ID160619
18S rRNA
Importance of organism and transcriptomes###############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
Additional citations and references
Environmental Data
Primary citation for organism's characterization, if availableKempton, J. W., Wolny, J., Tengs, T. et al. 2002. Kryptoperidinium foliaceum blooms in South Carolina: a multianalytical approach to identification. Harmful Algae 1: 383?92.; Dodge JD (1971) A dinoflagellate with both a mesokaryotic and a eukaryotic nucleus: Part 1 fine structure of the nuclei. Protoplasma 73: 145?157. 31. ;Behzad Imanian., Jean-Francois Pombert., Patrick J. Keeling. 2010. The Complete Plastid Genomes of the Two `Dinotoms? Durinskia baltica and Kryptoperidinium foliaceum. PLoS ONE 5(5): e10711. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010711.
Collection date01-JUN-84
Sample collection site 32.9000N 117.2550W Scripps Institute of Oceanography, pier, La Jolla, California USA
Sample material (e.g. "seawater," "sediment," etc.)Seawater
Volume filtered (L)2
ENVO term for habitat - primary termAcquatic: marine
ENVO term for habitat - secondary termOther
Habitatmarine habitat
Experimental Data
Date of experiment20-FEB-11
Growth mediumF/2-Si amended sea water
Modifications to growth medium48 hours before harvest antibiotics were added to medium: 500 mg/L penicillin; 200 mg/L ampicillin; 100 mg/L streptomycin; 100 mg/L neomycin
Temperature (ºC)22
Salinty (psu)21
Light (µmol photons / m2 / sec)550
Day portion of day:night cycle in hours12
Night portion of day:night cycle in hours12
Nitrate (μmol/L)882
Phosphate (μmol/L)36.2
Trace elements (total) (nmol/L)23000
Investigation typeEukaryotes