Home :: List of Publicly Available Datasets :: Rhodella maculata CCMP736
Rhodella maculata CCMP736
Principle Investigator(s) | Thomas Mock |
External sample ID | R_maculata |
NCGR Sample ID | MMETSP0167 |
Sample accession number | CAM_SMPL_002443 |
Assembly accession number | CAM_ASM_000261 |
Combined Assembly Name | Rhodella-maculata-CCMP736 |
Genus | Rhodella |
Species | maculata |
Strain | CCMP736 |
Clonal | Yes |
Axenic | Yes |
Prelim. NCBI Taxon ID | 38298 |
18S rRNA | |
Importance of organism and transcriptomes | Red algae belong to the most ancient eukaryotic organisms preceding the origin of the line that led to plants, animals and fungi. Furthermore, red algae provided the endosymbionts that led to the evolution of the ecologically most significant eukaryotic algal groups in the contemporary ocean. |
Additional citations and references | |
Environmental Data | |
Experimental Data | |
Date of experiment | 23-JUL-11 |
Growth medium | f/2 amended seawater (without silicate) |
Modifications to growth medium | f/2 amended seawater (without silicate) |
Temperature (ºC) | 20 |
Salinty (psu) | 35 |
pH | 8.1 |
Light (µmol photons / m2 / sec) | 100 |
Day portion of day:night cycle in hours | 24 |
Nitrate (μmol/L) | 800 |
Phosphate (μmol/L) | 36 |
CO2 (ppm) | 2400 |
Other experimental metadata available | EU |