Home :: List of Publicly Available Datasets :: Vannella sp. DIVA3 517/6/12
Vannella sp. DIVA3 517/6/12
Principle Investigator(s) | Jan Pawlowski |
External sample ID | Vannella n. sp. 517/6/12 |
NCGR Sample ID | MMETSP0168 |
Sample accession number | CAM_SMPL_000707 |
Assembly accession number | CAM_ASM_000044 |
Combined Assembly Name | N/A |
Genus | Vannella |
Species | sp. |
Strain | DIVA3 517/6/12 |
Clonal | Yes |
Axenic | No |
Prelim. NCBI Taxon ID | 95228 |
18S rRNA | |
Importance of organism and transcriptomes | Vannellid amoebae are one of the most important groups among Amoebozoa, as they are most widely distributed and most abundant in all habitats, including marine. The species nominated has a key phylogenetic position in vannellids, being a sister group to all other Vannella spp. The obtained transcriptome data are pioneering for Vannella and will be used for the first broadly-sampled multigene analysis of the amoebozoan phylogeny. |
Additional citations and references | |
Environmental Data | |
Primary citation for organism's characterization, if available | Kudryavtsev A, Pawlowski J, Hausmann K (2011) A survey of lobose amoebae (Amoebozoa) from the atlantic deep-sea sediments, in preparation |
Latitude | -35.98917 |
Longitude | -49.01944 |
Depth (m) | 4605.2 |
Salinity (psu) | 35 |
Collection date | 12-JUL-09 |
Collection time | 5:24 AM |
Sample collection site | Atlantic_Ocean |
Other collection site info | Expedition DIVA3 |
Sample material (e.g. "seawater," "sediment," etc.) | Marine sediment |
ENVO term for habitat - primary term | Acquatic: marine |
ENVO term for habitat - secondary term | Sediment |
Habitat description | abyssal plain bottom sediment, clay, aerobic |
Habitat | marine habitat |
Experimental Data | |
Date of experiment | 24-MAY-11 |
Growth medium | seawater with wheat grains |
Temperature (ÂșC) | 20 |
Salinty (psu) | 35 |
pH | 7.5 |
Prey organism, if applicable (genus and species) | bacteria |
Investigation type | Eukaryotes |