Home :: List of Publicly Available Datasets :: Filamoeba nolandi NC-AS-23-1

Filamoeba nolandi NC-AS-23-1


Principle Investigator(s) Laura Katz
External sample ID50430
Sample accession numberCAM_SMPL_002547
Assembly accession numberCAM_ASM_000365
Combined Assembly NameN/A
Prelim. NCBI Taxon ID136452
18S rRNA
Importance of organism and transcriptomesThe genus Filamoeba has been placed within the Lobosea, closely related to the classic lobose amoebae Amoeba and Chaos (Amoebida Page 1967). Molecular data place Filamoeba nolandi in the newly described group Flammellidae, along with other filopodia producing Amoebozoa (Kudryavtsev et al. 2009; Lahr et al., submitted). Filamoeba spp. can be free living and/or can be parasites of fish (Dykova and Lom 2004). Lineages grouping with Filamoeba nolandi have been found in habitats as diverse as coastal waters and the naturally polluted Rio Tinto, a river with a pH of 2 and high levels of metals attributed to its waters draining from iron-rich deposits (Amaral Zettler et al. 2002). There are only two described species, but given variable ssu-rDNA sequences and its remarkable environmental range, it is likely that there is considerable undescribed diversity here that will benefit from a transcriptome dataset.
Additional citations and referencesAmaral Zettler, L. A. A., F. Gomez, E. Zettler, B. G. Keenan, R. Amils, and M. L. Sogin. 2002. Eukaryotic diversity in Spain's River of Fire - This ancient and hostile ecosystem hosts a surprising variety of microbial organisms. Nature 417:137-137.; Lahr, D. J. G., J. R. Grant, T. Nguyen, J. H. Lin, and L. A. Katz. Submitted. Comprehensive phylogenetic reconstruction of Amoebozoa based on concatenated analyses of SSU-rDNA and actin genes.;Dykova, I., and J. Lom. 2004. Advances in the knowledge of amphizoic amoebae infecting fish. Folia Parasitol. (Praha). 51:81-97.; Kudryavtsev, A., C. Wylezich, M. Schlegel, J. Walochnik, and R. Michel. 2009. Ultrastructure, SSU rRNA gene sequences and phylogenetic relationships of Flamella Schaeffer, 1926 (Amoebozoa), with description of three new species. Protist 160:21-40.
Environmental Data
Primary citation for organism's characterization, if availableAmaral Zettler, L. A., T. A. Nerad, C. J. O'Kelly, M. T. Peglar, P. M. Gillevet, J. D. Silberman, and M. L. Sogin. 2000. A molecular reassessment of the leptomyxid amoebae. Protist 151:275-282.
Sample collection siteAtlantic_Ocean
Sample material (e.g. "seawater," "sediment," etc.)sediment core 23 nautical miles off coast of Wilmington, NC
ENVO term for habitat - primary termAcquatic: marine
ENVO term for habitat - secondary termSediment
Habitat descriptionsediment core 23 nautical miles off coast of Wilmington, NC
Habitatmarine habitat
Experimental Data
Date of experiment14-MAY-11
Growth mediumSonneborn's Paramecium medium (ATCC medium 802)
Temperature (ÂșC)20
Day portion of day:night cycle in hours16
Night portion of day:night cycle in hours8
Prey organism, if applicable (genus and species)Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 13048 and mixed bacteria
Investigation typeEukaryotes
Other experimental metadata availableEntries above were left blank as medium 802 is an undefined medium